is the control of visual information in an arrangement or presentation to imply
importance. Hierarchy influences the order in which the human eye perceives
what it sees.
design, hierarchy is used to:
· Add structure
Create visual organisation
Create direction
Add emphasis
Help a viewer navigate and digest information easily
Create visual organisation
Create direction
Add emphasis
Help a viewer navigate and digest information easily
is typically created by contrast between visual elements in a composition.
Typically, visual elements with highest contrast are noticed first. Using
hierarchy we can control how a viewer engages with information to ensure that
information is navigated and digested in the way it is intended. For example:
Where do we want the eye to look first, second, third and so on.
Establishing clear visual hierarchy is important because it holds a design together. Used effectively,
hierarchy can make a complex message simple.
design, hierarchy can manifest itself in many visual ways. It’s through the
careful arrangement of visual elements that creates a clear hierarchy.
Hierarchy can manifest itself in many visual ways such as in scale, color,
contrast, space, alignment, shape and form.
Hierarchy in scale
we have some stroke lines going from thick to thin, from top to bottom in eight
steps. The hierarchy of scale in these eight steps also suggests direction of hierarchy.
The flow of importance here starts from the top and travels down from thick to
thin. The next example challenges this perception.
Hierarchy in color
Here we have the exact same
composition but this time, the color has been changed. In this example, the
thinnest stroke is the darkest color and the thickest stroke is the lightest
color. Even though the strokes are larger above, the thin stroke is perceived
as bolder and stronger because it’s more apparent and appears closer, more in
focus. By changing the colors, we have changed the hierarchy structure.
Hierarchy in scale
example demonstrates hierarchy in scale again but also contrast. By contrast in
scale and number this suggests that the larger circles carry more importance
than the smaller one.
Hierarchy in
we modify the color, this creates a new dynamic and shifts the hierarchy. By
contrast the smaller circle is now more prominent.
Hierarchy in color
inside shapes are more darker than those on the outside therefore we perceive
them as more prominent.
Hierarchy in space
we change the space of these shapes through overlapping, we now create a new hierarchy.
The shapes that are on top appear closer to us and they are the ones we see
more clearly. Hierarchy here is now defined by space.
Hierarchy in Depth
this example we have the same shapes in various colors but this time the shapes
are in various sizes with various blur effects applied. This creates an
illustration of depth unlike with space in the previous example. It’s not
necessarily about the shapes that appear closer to us here but the shapes that
appear the most clear to us. Shapes that are most in focus do a better job of
attracting the eye.
Hierarchy in Perspective
Here we
perceive the shapes coming closer to us. The flow of hierarchy here starts from
the perceived front and moves towards the back into the distance.
design, depending on the simplicity or complexity of the intended message,
hierarchy in design can exist in multiple forms and compete against each other
at the same time.
is a simple index page which has a lot of information but through the
consideration of alignment and space, each subsection from the top down takes a
step to the right and there is adequate space separating the individual parts.
The header and sub-header are a different and bolder typeface to the body copy
highlighting important breakpoints. All this works together to create a clear
and comprehensive list easy to navigate. Hierarchy here exists through contrast
in alignment, space, color and typeface.
this next example we have a letterhead which come in various designs but they
typically follow the same pattern. Hierarchy here is working in composition as
well as typesetting. Letterheads will almost always lead with a brand. In this
example the logo in the top left is looking pretty prominent. To the right of
this is the address details of the company which contrasts nicely with the main
message. So, the top of the letterhead is pretty prominent here and
communicates the important information about the company. Below is where the
main message is placed. The margin here is quite large which leaves for some
nice negative space down the left side which creates a nice clean design which
also gives prominence to the logo. Below this we have a footer with some
required details. There’s a small horizontal stroke to partition this away from
the message and the type size is smaller so as not to clash with the main
message. And finally, below this we have simple blocks of color which are part
of the brand motif. For a simple letterhead, there is quite a lot going on here
but through careful consideration of the visual elements, the order of
importance is nice and clear.
is an example of a simple infographic. Hierarchy here is working in the
illustration and in the overall composition. The graphic above clearly
illustrates a timeline or tree diagram. The diagram starts from the base and in
this instance the flow of information starts from the bottom to the top, from
dark to light distinguishing the various branches. Placed below this is a
simple list which is a reference to the visual above. Overall, the illustration
is the most dominant visual element here supported by the reference below.
is an example of where hierarchy starts to push the boundaries in more creative
layouts. First we have an index page where hierarchy exists in many forms.
Overall as small as the white type is, compared to the title it still exerts
more prominence due to the contrast in color. The type here is not treated as
individual elements but as one rigid column cutting through the loosely
scattered title below. Within the column we have a number or type sizes and
weights which creates contrast to distinguish order. The title is left as a
playful decorative piece in a darker tone allowing the column type to come to
the front.
we have a simple layout that could easily be a magazine article. The
composition immediately draws your attention to the large playful type layout.
Then we have a sub-header and the body copy below. Contrast is created between
the sub-header and body copy by two different typefaces, sizes and also by the
right alignment of the sub-header and the left alignment of the body copy.
Below this we have a small horizontal stroke signifying the end of the article.
this magazine cover, hierarchy starts to get really complex. This media is
common for communicating a lot of information in one instance. Hierarchy
typically establishes itself through overlapping space and size. Generally a
magazine cover will revolve around one main point of focus. In this example we
can see the image of the woman is on top of the magazine title. Then the header
of the article which the photograph supports is on top of the photo. So the
three important parts of this composition are: big title, person’s photo and
the magazine title. After that we have some hints of what else is in the
magazine via sub-headers around the figure in the picture. There’s also a call
out in a circle which compared to the other sub-headers, does draw our
attention more. This suggests the magazine sees this article as something
people want to read perhaps to draw attention to buy the magazine. For
decoration and dynamics, the other titles have been applied in various
typefaces but don’t typically compete too much with each other.
Next is the newspaper
example. Unlike the magazine cover which revolves around a single main point of
focus, the newspaper will want to shout about multiple headlines at once.
Hierarchy typically establishes itself on newspaper covers through contrast in
scale. On newspaper covers, the most prominent article will exert the most
space on the page and less prominent articles will sit next to or around it. In
this example we see the main prominent article taking up most of the space and
the smaller articles are positioned to one side.
When you look at a
design, ask yourself how has hierarchy been considered? Is there a sense of
hierarchy? What visual mechanisms have been used to create it? And how well
does it work as part of the design?
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